

“Gender Pay Gaps in Medicine: Moving from Explanations to Action” by Brita Roy, Journal of General Internal Medicine

“Write More Articles, Get More Grants: The Impact of Department Climate on Faculty Research Productivity” by Jennifer Sheridan, PhD, Julia N. Savoy, MS, Anna Kaatz, PhD, You-Geon Lee, PhD, Amarette Filut, BS, and Molly Carnes, MD, MS, Journal of Women’s Health

“Free salary negotiation workshops for women women aim to close the wage gap” by Michael Alison Chandler, The Washington Post

“Learning the Skills of Leadership” by Renee Twombly, GUMC News

“A Global Health Elective Addresses Georgetown Resident Team and Cameroon Host Expectations: A Ten Year Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Surveys, 2004-2013” by Marilee Cole, MD,  HSOA Internal Medicine & Primary Healthcare (includes a GWIM acknowledgement)

“The Secret to Smart Groups: It’s Women” by Derek Thompson, The Atlantic

“Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups” by Anita Williams Woolley et al, Science (publication related to above story)

“The best way to eliminate the gender pay gap? Ban salary negotiations” by Laura J.Kray, The Washington Post

“You Are So Kind to Think of Me” by Allison M. Valliancourt, The Chronicle of Higher Education

“Are You Disappointing the Right People” by Allison M. Valliancourt, The Chronicle of Higher Education

“Georgetown School of Medicine Recognizes Oustanding Faculty” by Pamela A. Saunders, Ph.D. (starts on pg. 10, describes the ways that our GWIM honors academic excellence at GUMC)

“When Teamwork Doesn’t Work for Women” by Justin Wolfers, The New York Times

“Gender Differences in Recognition for Group Work” by Heather Sarsons (working paper related to above story)

“Still a man’s world”, The Economist

“A university confronts bias in faculty hiring” by Amy Scott, Marketplace

“Obama targets gender pay gap with plan to collect companies’ salary data” by Danielle Paquette and Drew Harwell, The Washington Post

“US companies forced to disclose pay gap”, Financial Times (requires subscription)

“Inadequate Progress for Women in Academic Medicine: Findings from the National Faculty Study” by Phyllis L. Carr, MD, FACP, Christine M. Gunn, MA, Samantha A. Kaplan, MD, MPH, Anita Raj, PhD, and Karen M. Freund, MD, MPH, Journal of Women’s Health

“In STEM Fields, Many Employers Hire “John” over “Jennifer”, American Association of University Women

“How women can demand a higher salary” by Giuseppe Cont, Financial Times

“How the ‘what’s your current salary?’ question hurts the gender pay gap” by Laszlo Bock, The Washington Post

“Trends in the Earning of Male and Female Health Care Professionals in the United States, 1987 to 2010” by Seth A. Seabury, PhD; Amitabh Chandra, PhD; Anupam B. Jena, MD, PhD, JAMA Internal Medicine

“Gender Differences in the Salaries of Physician Researchers” by Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil; Kent A. Griffith, MS; Abigail Stewart, PhD; Dana Sambuco, MPPA; Rochelle DeCastro, MS; Peter A. Ubel, MD, JAMA

“Sex Differences in Institutional Support for Junior Biomedical Researchers” by Robert Sege, MD, PhD; Linley Nykiel-Bub, BA; Sabrina Selk, ScD, JAMA

“The Simple Truth: About the Gender Pay Gap Spring 2016 Edition”, AAUW

“How to Bridge that Stubborn Pay Gap” by Claire Cain Miller, The New York Times

“Run Meetings That Are Fair to Introverts, Women, and Remote Workers” by Renee Cullinan, Harvard Business Review

“GWIM Recognizes Outstanding Female Faculty at Awards Ceremony” by Leigh Ann Sham, GUMC Communications


“The True Story of the Gender Pay Gap: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast” by Stephen J. Dubner


“Time Management for the Busy Clinician, Researcher and Educator” by Dr. Susan Johnson, M.D., M.S.

“Mentoring Toolkit for Mentors” by Joan Lakoski, Ph.D. and Mary Lou Voytko, Ph.D., Association of American Medical Colleges

“GWIMS Mentoring Women Toolkit for Mentees: Mentoring for Your Academic Career Success” by Mary Lou Voytko and Joan M. Lakoski, Association of American Medical Colleges

“Transitioning to a New Role: Practical Tips on Navigating From One Chapter to the Next” by Archana Chatterjee, M.D., Ph.D., Meenaskshi Singh, M.D., and Roberta E. Sonnino, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P., Association of American Medical Colleges

“AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science: Updates and Discussion” by Diana Lautenberger, MAT and Ashleigh Moses, MA (presented at the February 2016 GWIM Board Meeting)

“Mentoring Minority Women in Medicine: Intentional Allyship, Responsive Mentorship” by Dr. Kelly Diggs-Andrews in partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Faculty Development Mentoring Subcommittee


GWIM 20th Anniversary Video (35 minutes)


GWIMS Toolkit by the Association of American Medical Colleges

Diversity Data Snapshots by the Association of American Medical Colleges

Georgetown Women’s Alliance

Guide: Structure and check for pay equity by re:Work